Learn from your mistakes.
Yet more politics.

I could use the practice.
Get 'em while they're hot.
Large hats, little people.
For all the Aussies abroad; you know who you are.
Stick this one up your conspiracy list, Mulder.
It is a well known fact that homosexuals attract enemy radar.
This one's for president Bush (twat)!
You want it, but you can't afford it.
Verse 2, weeeeellllllllll...
Better than a smack habit, for sure.
I saw this guy vomit a live goldfish.
Sex? Or golf? You decide.
Sunshine, lollipops & rainbows.
Not like "Ha Ha" funny. Like weird funny......like......y'know?
The Minister for Health suggests that you DON'T EAT TOO MUCH BACON.